Friday, June 19, 2009

Whales and relationships.

Call me Ishmael.

Actually........ don’t. I haven’t really mastered how to start posts, so that’s why I picked up the first sentence of the most boring book I have ever read (Read: Moby Dick). In fact boring doesn’t even begin to cover it, the fact that someone can actually accomplish such torture in 860 pages of the English language is actually very surprising! And yeah, mom (and the rest of the Earth) thinks it’s a classic. Duh.

Well this post really isn’t about big white whales that we grew up watching on Cartoon Network, and no, its not about college either, its actually about umm...... relationships (yes, everyone with a blog seems to spend half his life writing about them.).

This isn’t one of those “SPURNED LOVER KILLS EX-FLAME, FAMILY, SELF.” stories. It’s just that all around me, people are soo full of their relationships. I mean, I know people who have spent hours discussing their girlfriend’s haircuts, their boyfriend’s pets, his eyes, her eyes, his hair, her hair, his nails, her nails… you get what I mean right? Its not like I think mind talking to people about things like this (Really, an 18 year old on vacation doesn’t have a lot of things to occupy him) but what I mean is, yes, its amazing to in love but is it a part of your life or the part of it? How much of love, is actually too much of it?

Seriously, it makes life meaningless to define it around one individual (especially when there are 6 billion of them to choose from.)

Waiting for the 24th, will get to know where I’m heading by then.


P.S.: Well actually when I came online 10 minutes ago I really didn’t have anything to write about. I mean I was actually considering throwing an abstract photograph at you with a caption like ‘The ecstasy, the ardent times, all are gone..... all are none.’ And then pretending like I know what that meant. So considering what I had in mind, this ad hoc post seems nothing short of a masterpiece :).


gypsy said...


i have met the kind of fellas u are talkin abt it and it bores me to death...

so, i really avoid listenin to all such things. I simply let people know that m not intrsted...even though, lotta times i end up being hated for that...

bestes for the reslts....or rather choice u make

Apparently intellectual said...

congratulations for IIT-G!
thats all i m gonna say for now!:P

Rahul Bhatnagar said...

@Neha: Thanks a lot.

@Prachi: Thanks, but yaar, a look at the map of India brings tears to my eyes...

Zyenab said...

Well right now i am thinking to praise this post with words which dont make you feel that am faking it. Its actually a very nice post. and as far as relationships are concerned, we are soo craving for attachment and for "the familiar" that when we get a little encouragmnt frm the other side, we tend to hold it against our bones, with both r hands. Whose fault?, why this?, is it right?, it shouldn't be!, its stupidity... and all other such statements add on to these people's list of something never to be taken into account.

Rahul Bhatnagar said...

You're absolutely right! Like I said, your last post made me think straight! Theres no point of looking for happiness by latching onto other people. This pseudo happiness does more harm than good....