Saturday, February 23, 2008

the hand that rocks the cradle.....

Well this post is dedicated to my dear mother. Yesterday I noticed a peculiar thing, my mother was on blogger and she was searching for a blog, no prize for guessing whos blog she was looking for, the funny thing is that she just didn’t ask me about my blog but preferred to search for it, moms you just cant tell how they think, BEST OF LUCK MOM…….

PS: if u reach here mom congrats, but u didn’t need to take this trouble, u could have asked me, I would have told u!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

more than just a can of worms.........

i just came across this blog from the blogs of note section, its about an american in iraq who is trying to make a difference. There is somthing unique about this blog , somthing that makes you think, somthing thats anyday better than the rif-raf a teenager like me can be thinking of ... so please do give it a look......

the project he has started in iraq is called "Buy Shoes. Save Lives." , you can get the link to their website from my side bar too, even if my readership cant set sales soaring , it can atleast make a difference....

ohh and exam preparation is sucking bigtime, its 12 am and i find myself desperately trying to cram the structure of α- D(-)- glucopyranose in my head......just one week more and i can say goodbuy to chemistry forever!!


life is sooo lyk that.....

finally smthin every teenager has been scared of for the majority of his/her is right round the corner.... THE BOARDS, 2 grueling years of engeneering coaching kinda doubles the stakes, add a long distance relationship nd u come to the conclusion that life has certainly been better....

okay this is my room at 3 am when you are kind of saturated and tend to appreciate the beauty of the finer things in life....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

to infinity and beyond....

hey you, im a 17 year old who has his chemistry board exam in 8 days, i hav to start studying soo this one would be quick, neways i made this blog coz i felt i needed a place to vent my thoughts out, sooo basically just make urself at home, u can take or leave wateva u want to, if u fell lyk tlkin just drop a comment,

well the title carbon cluster dosnt give a lot away, my take on it..... i guess everythin is pretty much a carbon cluster , u, me nd neone who uv eva met, soo this place on the web is an area ment for carbon clusters....

more on nethin tht might interest a 17 year old later....
